An ancient story from the three holy books takes the form of a collection of natural hot springs called Moses Springs, or Ain Musa in Arabic, that attract people from all over the world to explore every aspect of its divine power inside the holy land of Sinai, home of miracles and prophets.

History Spring of Moses

Moses Springs is where the prophet Moses is said to have thrown a unique tree into the brackish water on God’s command, making the spring’s water drinkable. According to the story of the springs, Moses met Zipporah, his future wife, after saving her and her sisters from a gang of shepherds.

These springs are the monastery’s primary source of water, and the monks claim that they never dry up. The spring is still brackish today, and there is no tree anywhere, but seven of the original 12 springs remained during the nineteenth century, and the springs became known as the largest of the Sinai Oases, which became a popular retreat spot for foreign diplomats.

Ain Musa’s location

The Fountain of Moses is located in Sinai, just 15 miles south of the Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel, which connects Sinai to Egypt’s mainland, 250 kilometers from Cairo and one kilometer along the Gulf of Suez.

The Weather in Moses Springs

The oasis has a hot summer climate and a warm winter climate, with an average temperature of 24°C (75.2 F).

Activities in Moses Springs

The Springs of Moses are a group of healing hot springs with sweet and bitter waters that created a small fertile oasis, attracting travelers looking for therapeutic tourism. It is a magnificent oasis surrounded by palm trees, and its water is thought to have the ability to heal wounds and cure diseases, particularly diabetes, as well as strengthen the body’s muscles and help regulate high blood pressure.

Plan a trip to Moses Springs.

By choosing one of our Egypt private tours, you can witness one of the world’s longest surviving miracles and receive your own miracle, as well as witness all that destiny has to offer in terms of beauty, wonder, and everlasting precious memories.

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